Friday, November 22, 2019

Focusing on Fine Arts

Some weeks there are events that remind you of how important parts of our school life are not only to our students, but also to us and our families.  This last week was one of those for me.

First, we had the performances of State Fair by our music and drama department that knocked it out of the park! I am constantly amazed by the variety of students Ms. Konecne and Mrs. Cantu enlist and the work that happens so quickly. You may not know this, but there was a significant delay in the start of rehearsals due to copyright, access, and ordering of scripts.  So not only were they on a crunch with time, but they had too many schedules to count that they had to navigate.  Despite these many hurdles, it was an amazing show for fans of all ages.

The best part about the performance I attended on Saturday was the reaction of my 7 year old. Sometimes as parents we forget that our kids find their passions early and see everything our older kids do.  When I was preparing to go to the musical, this one begged to go and was enthralled with State Fair until the last 10 minutes when his body gave up and he fell asleep.  There's a lesson to be learned in this. We have encouraged him to do many athletic things the last two years when he clearly is musically oriented. It brought me joy to finally see him be excited about an event, so thank you to all in the show and involved in the background. Bravo!

To top the week off, I had promised Mr. Adam to come and play with the band weekly once marching band was over.  This was my first week in and he had a french horn and the fingering charts all prepared for me last week when I got there.  After 25 plus years away from it, playing again was quite humbling and I apologized multiple times to the kids sitting around me and Mr. Adam as I was VERY rusty.  However, the outcome was amazing.... my entire day was improved after being able to express myself in a different way and work with a group of musicians toward a unified goal. I will continue this and hope to blow the dust off a little and get my embouchure back.  Any way I look at it, this is a win/win to be around kids doing what they do and filling a little of my inner musician needs.  Thanks NH Bands and Mr. Adam!

Friday, November 8, 2019

Pathfinder Day for Juniors and Seniors

This week, all NHHS juniors and seniors participated in a Pathfinder Day sponsored by NICC and Iowa BIG North. Students prepared for this day by completing a survey about their future plans and interests.  The goal of the was not only to bring in post-secondary colleges and universities, but also have industry options such as internships, apprenticeships, certification and straight to work representative available.  In addition, each junior met with NICC about college and certificate programs available in high school and each senior met with a representative regarding financial aid and the FAFSA process.

One of the options available was military service and many students discussed the availability of earning and education through enlistment. 
 Several NICC representatives were in attendance to talk about the variety of options both in high school and beyond with credit and certificates.
Many students were seen filling out applications and interest cards to receive more information from the institutions in attendance.
To end the morning, each representative was part of a panel discussion about what to expect after high school, how to prepare and the decision -making process of choosing a pathway.

Friday, October 25, 2019

Critical Thinking in Action

Our 3rd C at NHHS is Critical Thinking. We believe critical thinking is the cornerstone of grit, perseverance and resiliency and is aided by our philosophy of failing forward.

Critical Thinking includes:

  • analysis and inquiry;
  • gathering and evaluating information;
  • using evidence and criteria; and
  • justifying choices, considering alternatives and implications.
 In Mr. McDonald's contemporary affairs class, critical thinking was evident this week as students worked through topics of their own choosing that are "hot button" issue and presented to the class, including fielding questions regarding choices in the presentations.
Critical thinking is also evident in our extra curricular activities.  The SADD executive council presented to the school board regarding their upcoming events for Red Ribbon Week and planning for the year.
While Mrs. Ohrt is still on maternity leave, Mr. Mohling works with biology students on the authentic learning in labs where students have to make choices and devise hypotheses on why reactions occur.

Friday, October 11, 2019

Communication Is Key

One of the 4 Cs that drives New Hampton High School and the learning in our classrooms is communication. Good communication used in our classroom means:

  • students clearly explain ideas and information;
  • students are organized in the way they communicate;
  • students use good eye contact and appropriate body language;
  • student choose a tone and voice volume for the setting;
  • students use materials as needed for presentations; 
  • students respond to questions; and
  • students participate in teams and/or groups.
You will see communication at different levels throughout the building and it is the goal of the district that all students graduate with proficiency in all these items.

Students in Mrs. Manson pre calculus class are communicating about results of an assessment and how to grow from correcting their mis-steps. They work together to complete problems correctly after discussing what steps should come next.
In contemporary affairs students are preparing for presentations on topics of their own choosing. This group worked on an outline using each of their ideas as they work toward a final product.
 Communication goes beyond the classroom as our students interact with business partners and community members.  The IBN marketing group is show here meeting with UNI and NICC staff.
Working in partners in class is the first step to improved communication. 9th graders are working on collages to explain who they are, what they have for goals and expectations for high school. These girls are sharing with each other to help keep each other accountable for these goals.