Friday, September 14, 2018

Building Project and Board Meeting Updates

Building Project

     In a little over a week, we should have a crane here and wall panels should start going up.  At this time, we are expecting all of this to start on September 24th and continue until they are complete.  Our project has a little over 200 panels and they will arrive one at a time on a semi-truck.  On the days they are installing them, they will arrive every 30 minutes, so once they get going, the process will move fairly quickly.  Right now the construction crew has been working to install steel any place they can to make sure they are ready when the panels arrive.  Hopefully, the heavy rains will stay away while they get these installed. 

This will eventually be the front entrance of the Middle School.

The roof deck is on the new cafeteria.  This is looking at it from the courtyard.  

Stay tuned as we will post more updates as the building progresses.  

Board Meeting Update

     Monday night is our next regularly scheduled board meeting.  The Board of Education meets at 6:30 in the high school media center on the 3rd Monday of the month.  These meetings are open to the public and I encourage you to attend.  We follow a similar format each month, opening with the "Pledge of Allegiance" and then moving on the "Consent Agenda" which are routine items that are reviewed and approved together each month.  This includes the minutes from previous meetings, the bills to be paid at that meeting, a review of monthly financial reports, and a review of some of the district's policies.  

     We then move into "Receive Communications and Visitors" which is a time for anyone to come and address the board on any topic they choose.  They are allotted five minutes to share any thoughts they may have with the board.  Since it's not on the agenda, the board generally cannot respond, but if they feel it's warranted for further review, they may assign it to the next board agenda or have the administration follow up.  Because of confidentiality concerns, we cannot allow anyone to present on any specific staff members or specific students in an open meeting.  If you have those types of concerns, you are encouraged to contact your child's teacher, principal, or myself as needed.  We encourage you to start with the person closest to the issue as they are the only one who can address it and handle it the quickest.  

We then hear from our administrators in their monthly updates and then move on to business items.  This month the board will be approving pay applications for the building project (it remains well under budget), appointing some committee members and IASB representatives, appointing the school attorney and chief negotiator, and approving a trip for the FFA students to the National convention.  In addition, they will be approving the district's LAU Plan, and approve a request for allowable growth for the special education deficit.  Finally, the superintendent will give an update on school finances, they will spend some time learning some new skills, and they will hear from our Student Board Member, Cameron Maas.  

One thing that will make this meeting different, than most is that the September meeting is also our organizational meeting.  Every other year, we used to have an election in September and after the election the board would organize and elect officers and decide committee assignments.  We didn't have an election this year, but need to conduct our organizational meeting for the new year.  If you are available Monday night, please stop in.  We will be hearing from some students who participated in the state fair this year.  Hope to see you there.