Welcome Back!
It's time for school to start again. August 23rd will be here before we know it. There are a lot of exciting things happening this year. The most prominent is our building project. We will hold our groundbreaking ceremony Monday, August 14th at 4 p.m. Please come out and join us to celebrate this milestone for our school and community.
As the construction process starts, there will be some changes you will notice on our campus. First, you will notice the construction fence and new entrances to the football stadium. The fence is scheduled to go up on Wednesday, August 16th with work to begin shortly after that. We will lose some parking during construction and the path to football stadium will be crushed rock instead of the cement we are used to. The inconvenience is the price we pay for the new construction. Thanks in advance for your patience as we work through our project. I have shared some pictures below of the facility before any work begun and also some in the current stage of preparation.
We also have a new class coming to the high school. It will be called Multi-occupations Careers Class and will be taught by Mrs. Anderson. This class will be open to seniors who are on track to graduate. If they can make it work in their schedule, students will be allowed to attend school for half the day and take their required classes. They will also attend MOC class and then spend the other half of the day working in a job. They will also be earning high school credits for their work experience. We know that we all learn valuable skills while working and that includes students. They are learning things that will serve them for a lifetime in ways we just cannot duplicate in school. If you or your child would like more information on this program, please contact the high school office. We are excited to offer this opportunity to our students.
We will be sending this out on a regular basis. If you didn't get this via email and would like to, please take time to sign up.
Aerial view before work begins